Thursday, January 13, 2011


Hello friends and strangers.  As some, or maybe none of you know, I'm taking a small sabbatical from my life on the stage for the next little while (well, of course I have 3 weeks left of my current show, so I guess this is sort of the step-down nicotine patch approach to detox).  Since moving to Chicago almost two years ago I've been pretty much consistently either rehearsing for or performing in a production (sometimes both at once) which has been AMAZING and I've been extremely lucky.  I'm now going to take some time to do some other things, things that I maybe don't love so much, to hopefully, eventually renew my love for this thing that I've given my life to.  This is the Rachel version of a "break" as opposed to the Ross version.  I don't intend on metaphorically getting with the girl from the copy shop.

  And by "do other things" I don't mean the usual: watch reruns of Law and Order SVU, eat Bobtail ice cream from the carton and do Sporcle quizzes for 8 hours a day.  Here are some of the adventures I'm embarking on in 2011:

1. Becoming an NASM Certified Personal Trainer
2. Running the Chicago Marathon with the PAWS Chicago team
3. Getting a restaurant/bar job again
4. Apparently, blogging and tweeting

The last one is just because I realized that I might be going through a lot of sh-tuff emotionally/psychologically every time I accidentally check Chicagoplays casting notices or hear see my audition book collecting dust on my shelf. I'm going to need an outlet to whine to and my boyfriend Jason thinks my whiny voice is annoying.  My dog probably does too.  This blog will probably not be very exciting.  Since I really don't read many blogs I probably wouldn't read this blog if it belonged to someone else.  But this is for me, not you, k?

How long will this detox last? No clue.  Probably until I find something really really worthwhile to audition for or I get so desperate that I end up doing a show at Gorilla Tango (I kid! I kid!).

So yay!!! First post done.  Now back to memorizing the insertion sites of the muscles of the Quadriceps Complex (try saying tibial tuberosity of the tibia 5 times fast before YOUR next audition!)


1 comment:

  1. A personal diary for all to see. I just want to be the first to comment and maybe first in line for a little personal training down the road...
