Friday, January 14, 2011

This new fad called "jogging"...or "yogging"...I think that's how it's pronounced...

Big news you guys! My Blog has its first review:

"I love your writing 'voice'...this would be a blog I would be happy to follow. Its energetic and optimmstic, two moods I am happy to have my daily dose of. Write On!"

Wow! I love good reviews! Of course the part I put a "..." over was:

"I'm sure that even if I wasn't your mother".  Yes, this review was from my mom.  Oh well, first blog, I'll take what I can get.  Ok, so what should we tawk about tonight...

I love running.  I've become so very addicted.  Today I went out to run 6 miles and ended up running 8.6 miles.  Outside. In Chicago.  In January. I'm not really good at it or anything. Right now I average about 9:10 miles for long runs, about 8:40 for shorter runs.  But you know what? For the first time in my life I have found something that I really love AND feel no pressure what-so-ever to be good at.  It's not like in theatre where I have to always be at the absolute top of the pack or else forget it, I won't get work. I can run as slow as I damn well want to and it doesn't matter to anyone.  I'm actually trying to work on running SLOWER so that I can get my milage up even further.  

It feels so freaking great when I achieve a distance that I've never run before (like my 8.6 today!) and I still have a smile on my face.  And it's great coming off stage after Too Darn Hot every night and listening to everyone else gasping for air and realize that I didn't even break a sweat.  But of course the BEST thing about running is this: I CAN EAT WHATEVER I WANT!!!!! I mean, I'm a vegetarian and I tend to eat a very healthy diet anyway, but seriously, as far as quantity goes I can just eat and eat and I'm still LOSING weight.  Amaze balls

Alright I'd say that's a good chunk of blog for tonight.  I've found that runners can literally talk forever about running, though if you think about it, it's probably the most boring topic ever.  Whoops.  Sorry 'bout that.  

I've had Anchorman on in the background as I write this so I will sign off with this: Stay classy, planet earth!!!

1 comment:

  1. The only reason I stopped running (about 15 years ago) was to protect my joints from further damage (after more than 20 years of pounding the pavement). But to this day I see a runner and feel a sense of longing...
    Maybe i've given the old joints enough rest?
