Sunday, March 6, 2011

Eve of the exam!! Cue Rocky music...

It's the eve of my NASM CPT exam friends!!! Why am I writing to you and not studying you ask? Because I've GOT THIS!!!

Seriously, I've gone over my 2 inch tall stack of flash cards a hundred times, taken every practice quiz and exam online, gone over my notes, re-read difficult sections of the text book... nothing left to do but let my brain relax with some celebrity apprentice and wheat thins and get a good night's sleep.

So barring some major natural disaster or sudden amnesia, in just 17 hours I will be a CERTIFIED personal trainer!

In other RIDICULOUSLY exciting news, I no longer work at Lion Head Pub! On this public blog I tried to be as nice as possible about the place during the extremely brief period of time that I worked there, but now that I'm no longer employed I can say that it was truly AWFUL.  I have no idea what possessed me to look for a job at a bar.  When I was a wide-eyed 22-year-old, just out of Michigan and living in big, exciting New York City for the first time I was excited to serve sticky cocktails in an over-crowded, hot, loud room until 2 in the morning and come home with my lower back aching and smelling like beer and jagermeister.  Now I don't even like staying up past midnight, crowded bars give me a headache and it's really hard to pursue a career in improving the HEALTH of Chicago-ans while serving them alcohol in 3 foot tall towers and deep fried animal fat.  It also didn't hurt that in NYC I was easily making no less than $100 on weekdays, $200 Fridays and $300 Saturdays.  At Lion Head the last two shifts I worked 6pm-2am Friday and 4pm-3am Saturday.  Wanna know how much I made? $165.  TOTAL. FOR BOTH NIGHTS.  So anyway, now that I'm starting at TeamiFit this week plus promo modeling jobs will start picking up now that the weather's nicer (I'm up for one with Hermes next week! Yes, the Hermes of Hermes Birkin Bags...certainly beats smelling like jager) I decided I'd had enough of this nonsense.  I'm very excited to get back to my normal sleep schedule.

One last thing, after taking 2 rest days in my running schedule this weekend due to traveling home from MI, work, recovering from some wacky bacterial thing in my throat and some knee pain, I totally CRUSHED my personal record today for a 5 mile run!! Outside!! On the Road!! I had been thinking that my GOAL for the first 8k race (now 2 weeks away) would be 42:15, just under 8:30 mile pace.  Today I ran 5 miles in 40:21!!!! That's 8:04 pace!!! I was all about running at that anaerobic/lactic acid threshold and then gunning it hard into that 1.1 respiratory exchange ratio at the end!! Knowlegde is power :-) I also took a mile jog to warm-up and THEN stopped and stretched before I started the real run (as opposed to stretching cold in my apartment) My new goal for the race is 39:45.  So pumped!!!

Alright guys, wish my luck tomorrow (though I totally don't need it!!) Watch my facebook/twitter at around 2pm central time for the results!!!

1 comment:

  1. Very happy you are out of that crappy environment. To your good health and happiness, run on!
