Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hello pre-dawn morning!

Who knew you could be this productive before 9am! I'm usually just waking up at this time, but this morning I woke up around 4:30am, started thinking (and getting excited about) my new job, started coming up with good ways to approach clients on the floor (the part of the job I'm most nervous about) and around 5am I decided I wasn't going back to sleep so I started the coffee and started to get to work.  I figure if I might be getting 6am clients very soon, so I'd better figure out what it feels like being up and productive this early.

Over the last couple days I've been putting together a giant spreadsheet of strength exercises with columns for muscle groups worked, progressions, regressions and variations, so that I have one place I an go when I'm putting together a work-out for a client without having to skim through all the books/websites I have.  I'm also doing one for warm-up/flexibility exercises and fitness assessment exercises.  Worked on that for a while while listening to a fresh air podcast.

Started thinking about my nutrition, started analyzing my zinc, iron, protein and B12 intake (all things vegetarians have to pay close attention to), started considering and researching various supplements (in addition to the supplement bars I already eat), trying to figure out another supplement to take without too much vitamin A (I already get a ton of it and too much can damage your liver).

Then I started contacting all my facebook friends who live in uptown, finding out if I have any friends or friends of friends who work out at World Gym.  It would be great if the first few fitness assessments I do at the new job could be with people I know or friends of people I know, it would be a great way to get the ball rolling!

This was all before 7am.  Then I read my friend Heather's blog for a while, she's a trainer I work with at TeamiFit and has a really great fitness blog.  Ate some toast, had more coffee, watched the latest episode of America's Next Great Restaurant on Hulu, contacted my favorite photographer, Tyler Core, about getting a great athletic/kick-butt/fun shot of me to represent by business and to hang on the gym wall  in exchange for some free sessions, (all the other trainers have really great shots of them in their given sport), woke up Sawyer, walked/fed Sawyer, did yoga/stretched for a goodly time...

It's raining pretty hard outside or else I probably would have run too.  I told Jason and Jameson I'd do their Insanity Cardio workout with them later so I'll skip the running today.  Plus I'm taking a slow-motion strength training class tonight at TeamiFit, which I'm already sore just thinking about.  Also still have really sore lats from my strength work-out on Sunday (yes, I did a strength work-out the day of the race...I was feeling really energetic!) I have a goal to be able to do chin-ups/pull-ups by summer, so I started doing negatives to strengthen my lats and OWWWWWCH I could hardly reach my arms forward to turn on the faucet yesterday.  Good kind of sore though.

By the way, the race went AWESOME on Sunday! It was SO MUCH FUN and I can't wait for the next one.  Ran 8k in 39:45, a personal record.  Had a great time with the friends I ran with, got soaking wet in the rain and SO enjoyed the free Guinness we got after the race after a week of being on antibiotics and not drinking at all.

Alright, time for another breakfast and some more Hulu.  Add to the list of early morning productivity: blog post.


  1. I can't even keep up with you with my eyes. Maybe you should switch to decaf?

  2. Hey lady! Great blog! Sounds like a super productive morning, and you are going to rock out with clients at that new job! And thanks for the blog shoutout!

  3. Thanks Heather! Your blog is awesome!! Mom, maybe I just shouldn't drink the whole pot before jay even wakes up. Oops.

  4. I'm exhausted. Where did you get all this energy?
