Thursday, February 10, 2011

I have a job! :-) but, you know, I have a job :-(

Sorry for my absence blog-o-sphere! It's been a little cray-cray up in here this week.  Only have 20 minutes before I've gotta start getting ready for WORK, so I'll be brief.

I've started training for my NEW JOB!! Woot woot.  Waiting tables at Lion Head Pub in Lincoln Park.  Tonight is my last night of training.  Here are the pros and cons for time save-age.
*Having a job
*It's a 15 minute walk door to door from my home, making the late night end time not so bad when you don't have to catch a bus/train
*Very relaxed environment, people seem pretty cool
*High-volume on weekends
*I can wear jeans and tennis shoes, (HUGE PRO!!!)
*Really good drink specials, really easy for my friends to come visit me and eat/drink very cheaply
*umm...having a job...I'm SO behind on my TV right now
*working until 2:30 weeknights, 3:30 Saturdays is going to be very hard to get used too since in my ideal world I'd be in bed at 11 and up at 7
*Really good drink specials means someone can sit there for hours eating and drinking and have a $10 tab, so if I make money it will be based on volume, not sales.

Plus, Jason is working the auto show every day the next two weeks so I haven't been able to see him at all and our apartment currently looks like a tornado came through (feel lucky I'm writing for you people instead of tending to the massive pile of clothes in my room), but once I'm done training I'm only working 3-4 nights a week and Jay and I will have more or less the same hours, so things should be back to semi-normal.

Other mention-ables:
Only 3 chapters left in my NASM course book!! I see the light at the end of that tunnel.

I haven't run outside since before the snowstorm and I'm getting REALLY sick of running on the treadmill, though I must admit I've made some break-throughs with my speed training/hill work.

Officially told the other bar "no" for the euchre night.  Even if I don't get scheduled at Lion Head on Tuesdays, I honestly don't think I'm gonna want to spend my night off from working at a bar working at a bar.

Ok, that doesn't even scratch the surface of all the thoughts in my head right now, but I need to make some dinner before I head out (tonight is my first night working until close...the #1 thing I'm nervous about is how hungry I'm going to get.  Stocked up on Luna bars)

Later gators.

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